
Thank you for subscribing to our website! By doing so, you will automatically receive an email with our novenas four times a year: for the Solemnities of St. Joseph, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, St. Thérèse, and Christmas.
With this new website that we launched in February 2023, it is now possible for you to support our ministry of prayer with an online donation if you desire to do so.
Be assured of our prayers and may God continue to bless you!
Your Covington Carmelites
We, the Carmelite Nuns of Covington, feel blessed to have found such a place suited for a life of prayer, silence, and solitude in peaceful wooded surroundings amid lovely gardens. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to many friends who have helped us and continue to help make it possible for us

The discernment of a vocation is a journey of love, in which a person seeks to discover the mysterious plan of God for her life. The call to Carmel can be understood as a “pearl of great price” which is both precious and rare. When a person realizes, in the

Thank you so much for supporting us in our ministry of prayer. We pray daily for all of our benfactors. May God bless you for your generosity!